


Here’s where you’ll find all the answers to your questions. Still can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Don’t hesitate to call 888-669-4227 to speak to one of our friendly customer service representatives, or contact us online.

My Profile

  • How do I change my CreditBox password?

    To update your CreditBox password, follow these steps:
    • Log into your NiceLoans! online customer portal account
    • Type in your current and new passwords and select "NEXT". Your password is now updated.
  • How do I update my bank information?

    If you currently have an active loan with CreditBox please call 888-669-4227 or email

    Please be prepared to fax, text, or email a copy or photo of a voided check or bank statement from your new bank account. Also, if you are submitting a voided check, please do not submit starter checks, as we do not accept these as valid proof of bank information.
  • How do I update my employer information?

    To update your employer information with CreditBox, please call 888-669-4227 or email
  • How do I update my CreditBox customer profile?

    To update your CreditBox account information, please call 888-669-4227 or email
  • What if I forgot my CreditBox password?

    To reset your CreditBox password, follow these steps:
    • Click the "NEED HELP?" link under the customer login section in the top right corner of the website
    • Select "I FORGOT MY PASSWORD" and fill in your username. Then select "NEXT"
    • Select your preferred communication method and select "NEXT". You will be sent a unique PIN that will allow you to reset your CreditBox password.
  • What if I forgot my CreditBox username?

    Please call 888-669-4227 to reset or retrieve your CreditBox username.

    *Hint - Your username may be your email address.

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