
Budgeting 101 for 2021

Budgeting 101 for 2021

Budgeting 101 for 2021

  • Budget
  • "Installment Loans"
  • "Save Money"
  • "Tips and Tricks"
  • Finance

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New Year, new you, new financial goals. If you're ringing in the changes and want to know how to save money,build new budget techniques, and finally achieve your financial goals there is no better time to get on track of your finances by following these top tips in 2021.

Set a Goal
It's time to make a resolution, and all good budget plans start by defining a specific goal. It's always good to see money accumulating in your bank account, but it's even better when you're working towards a specific target, such as a dream wedding. Defining a milestone or goal makes it easier to stay on track, and your focus shifts from what you are denying yourself to what you can enjoy later.

Select a Method 
Learning the best way to save money means learning how to budget in a way that meets your lifestyle. It may sound easy to set aside a little money each month when you can, but you may find it isn't always possible. With a more structured and methodical approach it's easy to keep to your goals. Here are methods to consider:
  • 50/30/20: This is an approach where 50 percent of your money goes to necessities, 30 percent goes to things you want, and 20 percent goes to your savings.
  • Reverse budgeting: This approach prioritizes saving. Start the month by setting aside what you intend to save, and then use the rest for everyday expenses.
  • The envelope system: At the start of the month, set an amount for each kind of expense, such as groceries and luxuries, and put that amount in an "envelope." Once an envelope is empty, you can't spend any more money from that category until the next month.

Stay the Course 
Knowing how to save money is one thing, but you need to make sure you actually follow through on your plan. Here are some techniques to help your spending habits:
  • Automate: Where possible, set up automated transfers and bill payments.
  • Use cash: It's easier to monitor spending if you use cash rather than charging everything to credit cards.
  • Evaluate your budget: It's unlikely you will get everything right the first time. After the first few months, reevaluate your budget and adjust it accordingly.

Expect the Unexpected
A solid plan for how to budget helps you realize your financial goals, but it's important to prepare for the unexpected. Include an emergency fund as part of your budget. If you need to get cash fast, you may need an alternative. Installment loans from CreditBox are an effective way to take control.

Installment loans provide a lump sum to cover unexpected costs, such as medical bills or car repairs. If real life throws you a curve ball and you need to get cash fast, apply online at CreditBox. We offer installment loans up to $4,000, with direct deposits to your account in as little as 24 hours. Restrictions may apply. You can even earn extra cash with our Refer-A-Friend program. You’ll receive $100 and your friend will receive $50, too!
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